ICA Boston

My drug of choice...

After an outing to the ICA Boston with my eldest and a long walk in the sun to the nearest T station I was tired, hot and a little grumpy. When we were finally on the subway I was noticing how still passengers generally were and that drawing them would probably be great practice. And since our stop is at the end of the line I wouldn't have to worry about missing out stop. But I was so tired the thought of drawing more pained me. I had already drawn plenty that day right? It's a long train ride home so with some hesitation I did start drawing the passengers and it was like a drug that made me feel better almost instantly. Drawing really does relax me and without the nasty side effects of drugs. The drawing is nothing fabulous (and I don't feel like sharing it here) but I was right that it was good practice for me to keep training my eye to see and my hand to draw it.