The Hallway Gallery

Artist Dates and Treating Myself

Last week I took myself out to a local gallery. The children were having a meltdown after school so I fed them and gave them a bath and as soon as my husband got home I cleaned myself up a little bit and headed out the door. The Morning Pages that I write thanks to The Artist's Way  have proven themselves to be an invaluable tool. But they have been the only part of the book that I have done with any consistently. I haven't even finished half the book. And I have always been terrible about taking time for myself and going out and having small children has only encouraged that tendency since by the end of the day I am usually so tired. But I got an email that local friend Quemby M Bucklaew was having an opening there I made the time to go. Getting out the door was not easy and neither was talking to the gallery owner and giving him one of my ATCs but it did not kill me. In fact I had a pretty good time and think I should make time to go to more things like this around the area. This is a time to treat myself that I struggle with but must do more often. 

Quemby M Bucklaew

Quemby M Bucklaew