
Etsy Finds Tuesday - Block Printed Pillows!

Block prints on pillows! I wish I had thought of that. Actually I did and so did others asking me to put my work on fabric including pillows, but I never had the time to figure out how to do it. This artist did and the results are quite beautiful. I have been following the prints of Mariann Johansen-Ellis for years now and am enjoying and totally wanting some of these fun pillows. Well done Mariann!

Portable Art: Vacation Day Bag

My vacation day bag includes:

  1. my sketchbook
  2. camera
  3. iPad Mini
  4. stylus
  5. books (Die Empty and Daily Habits)
  6. travel sized watercolors and water brush
  7. pens
  8. colored pencils
  9. iPhone
  10. my brain

Will see how many of these items I actually use during this trip and report back. What art supplies do others bring when they travel? 

Thinking about my home of Boston today while on vacation at Disney with my family. Good luck to all those running in the Boston Marathon today.
