
It is hard to write when I feel like this. Standard time is back and it is dark by 5 pm here in Boston and getting darker earlier every day. Pretty soon it will be pitch black by 4 pm when my older daughter gets home from school. That is going to be hard. I am using my Happy Light every morning while I write my morning pages but I still feel bad. I feel lost in the art world and don't know what to do next. I know that I need to do more than make art but I don't have any clear goals and that is frustrating. I could seek out galleries. But how? According to a friend one local gallery may give me the time of day if I send them a proposal and some images. I should do that. But how? Maybe I should look into some sort of art marketing business class and admit that I am in over my head and that beyond making art and writing about it I don't know what I am doing. I feel better already. 
